Parent Resources

At Downey, we strive to provide our students and their parents with all of the tools they need to be successful. Explore Parent Resources to find important documents, parenting tips, and helpful links as well as general information about the school policies. 

smiling graduate making a peace sign

Useful Links

Parent Connect

City of Downey Library

Downey High School Library

Wellness Resources

Important Documents

2024–25 DUSD Parent Student Guide

The Parent Student Guide contains the District policies and procedures you and your student should know to make the most of your school year.

Download the Guide: English | Spanish

Enrollment vs. Registration

What is the difference between enrollment and registration?
This helpful article can walk you through this topic.
Learn more.

Health Policy Information

Please read the documents below for important information about Downey Unified Health, Medication & Illness Policies:

2024–2025 Illness Policy
2024–2025 Medication Policy
2024–2025 Medication Guidelines

Health Forms

A complete list of health forms is available below. Please download, fill out, and turn in any forms that are applicable to your child. Your protections under HIPAA.

Immunization Requirements

All students must be immunized to attend school at DUSD. Please click on the forms and information below to learn more.

Student Accident & Sickness Insurance

Even though we take precautions to protect your child from injuries, accidents can and do happen while students are participating in school activities on campus, on school trips, and during extra-curricular activities and sports.

Although DUSD does not carry medical or dental insurance for your child, a variety of low-cost medical/dental insurance plans are available through Myers-Stevens & Toohey & Co., Inc.

More Information
Brochure: English | Spanish

2024–2025 Letter to DUSD Parents: English | Spanish

DUSD Parent & Family Engagement Policy

Family engagement is the participation of parents and/or family members in the two-way communication involving student learning and related school activites
English  |  Spanish

Parent Rights and Procedural Safeguards

Important information for those who are enrolled in Downey-Montebello SELPA.
English  |  Spanish

Request to Not Release Student Information

Form: English | Spanish

Fees, Charges, and Deposits

Download Information Sheet: English

True Lasting Connections (TLC) Family Resource Center

The TLC Family Resource Center partners with more than 50 agencies dedicated to providing support to children and families within Downey Unified. TLC also ensures that each referred student receives the physical and emotional support they need.

Foster and McKinney-Vento Advocacy Program

All youth should have the opportunity for educational success, regardless of what their housing or family situation may be. The Foster Youth and McKinney-Vento (Homeless) Advocacy Program at Downey Unified School District is here to help. Our program provides a variety of supports and interventions to assist our students’ success both academically and socio-emotionally.

Downey Council PTA H.E.L.P.S.

Information regarding a food pantry sponsored by Downey Council PTA for the students and families of Downey Unified.


Student Attendance Expectations

Regular school attendance is important at Downey High School and students who miss school frequently can fall behind on classes and credits. Punctuality is important for students to learn so they may achieve their greatest academic potential. It is important for students to understand that tardiness to class is unacceptable. We ask that students to arrive on time daily and encourage parents to make appointments after school to avoid loss of class time.

All absences must be reported by the parent/guardian on the first day of absence and can be submitted in one of the following ways:

When a student has been absent for more than 7 days, all future absences will need to be verified by a physician, school nurse, health assistant, or an appropriate school employee. Absences not verified will be considered unexcused and students will need to attend Saturday School to clear unexcused absences.

Parents/guardians will have 10 school days to verify the absence, beginning on the day the student returns to school. A Chronic Absentee Notice will be mailed home after the 7th absence.

Tardy Policy

Students who come to school late must report directly to their classroom. If it is 30 minutes or more please report directly to the Attendance Office.

  • 1st Warning
  • 2nd Warning
  • 3rd Campus Beautification
  • 5th Saturday School
  • 9th Possible referral for SART (School Attendance Review Team)

If you have questions regarding attendance, feel free to call the attendance line (562) 469-7333 or email

Leaving Campus Early

Downey High is not an open campus. If your student does need to leave campus early for an appointment, please follow these steps in order to minimize class disruptions:

  1. Write a note the morning of the early departure that includes: student's full name, ID #, reason, and time your student needs to leave. 

  2. Have this student drop off the note at the attendance office window on the outside of the A building before school starts. 

  3. Have your student return to the window at snack and the attendance office will have generated an off-campus pass that the student can show the teacher/security to leave school early.

School Counselors

Downey High School Counselors are vital members of the education team. They help all students in the areas of academic achievement, personal/social development and career development. 

WeTip: Confidential Reporting

Students are often afraid to report incidents for a multitude of reasons. WeTip’s Reporting System offers an anonymous way for students and their families to report various happenings like wellness concerns, vandalism, bullying and discrimination without fear.

WeTip Be the Solution Submit an Annonymous Tip Online Button

Wellness Resources

For Students

For Parents

calm leaf icon

Virtual Calming Rooms

Helpful Information

Athletics Participation

Learn more about joining a sport


i-Ready is an online program that will help determine your student’s needs, personalize their learning, and monitor progress throughout the school year. i-Ready allows teachers to meet your student exactly where they are and provides data to increase your student’s learning gains.

Learn more: Visit the Family Center

School Zone Traffic Laws

Become familiar with the special laws related to keeping schools safe. Learn more: School Zone Traffic Laws

California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP)

End-of-year statewide test results to get a complete picture of your child’s learning.

Learn more: CAASPP: A Parent’s Guide

Common Sense Media

Discover family-friendly media you feel good about sharing with your kids. Entertainment and technology recommendations for families.


Get Connected

Q-Parent Connect

Q-Parent Connect will allow you to access student grades, attendance, and additional information. Once enrollment is complete, the parent/guardian should receive a Parent Connection account log-in and temporary password.

  • If you do not remember your Q-ParentConnection pin or password, please use the links under the Login button to receive that information.
  • If you do not currently have a Q-ParentConnection account, please contact your child’s school.
Click this button to get the Q-Parent Connect application on the Apple Store
Click this button to get the Q-Parent Connect application on Google Play


ParentSquare provides a simple and safe way for everyone at school and across the district to connect.

  • Receive all district, school and classroom communication via email, text, or through the app.
  • Communicate in your preferred language.
  • Comment on school postings to engage with your school community.
  • View the school and classroom calendar and RSVP for events.
  • Easily sign up to volunteer and/or bring items.
  • Securely receive report cards and other important information.

ParentSquare can be used on any device. You can download the free mobile app for iOS (iPhone) or Android or use the desktop version at

Click this button to get the Q-Parent Connect application on the Apple Store
Click this button to get the Q-Parent Connect application on Google Play