California Scholarship Federation (CSF)
CSF is a statewide organization that recognizes and honors students for outstanding scholarship in academic coursework. Downey High is proud to have been an active CSF chapter since 1938.
Nationally, colleges and universities have come to recognize CSF membership as an indication of an applicant’s excellent scholarship.
How to Join CSF
CSF membership must be earned one semester at a time. The CSF sign up periods are August for fall semester, and January for spring semester.
For more information, contact:
Tina Carlson, Coordinator
Each year, about 5% of California’s graduating seniors are honored as CSF Sealbearers; this is also the highest academic honor awarded at DHS. Earning CSF eligibility is determined by CSF “academic points;” grades of ‘A’ or ‘B’ are the only grades that earn CSF points, even in AP/Honors classes.
How to Become a Sealbearer
Students must be a CSF member for four (4)
semesters, including at least one (1) semester
as a senior. The four semesters need not be
consecutive, but must be based on grades
earned in Grades 10, 11, and 12. The two
“Associate” semesters based on grade 9
Fall semester seniors with at least three (3)
semesters of membership are considered
“Prospective” sealbearers. Those who qualify
for a fourth semester during Spring
Enrollment are recognized as SEALBEARERS.
However, any senior who could qualify for a
fourth semester by the end of the year (May) is
still considered a “Prospective.” A final
Sealbearer Verification Check is circulated to
his/her teachers in mid-May, about two weeks
before graduation. If a prospective then
qualifies, they will be recognized as a
Sealbearer during the DHS commencement
All sealbearers wear gold cords
and tassels and lead the class onto the field
for commencement, and are cited as
“graduating with honors” when their names
are read. A gold CSF seal is embossed on the
diploma as permanent evidence of academic
Special Graduation Honors for Sealbearers
All sealbearers wear gold cords and tassels and lead the class onto the field for commencement, and are cited as “graduating with honors” when their names are read. A gold CSF seal is embossed on the diploma as permanent evidence of academic
CSF Academic Points
CSF academic points are earned as follows:
- A semester grade of ‘A’ = three (3) CSF points
- A semester grade of ‘B’ = one (1) CSF point
With these exceptions:
- A semester grade of ‘A’ or ‘B’ in an Honors/AP class = 1
additional CSF point, up to a maximum of two such points
each semester. - A grade of ‘C’ earns no CSF points, regardless of course title.
- A grade of ‘D’ or ‘F’ in any subject automatically disqualifies membership (even if it is in a class not being used for CSF).
- A 4 or 5 in citizenship in any class automatically disqualifies membership.
- No CSF points are given for PE, for any class repeated to
improve a grade, or for courses such as Office - Service/Teaching Aide or Lab Assistant.
- Summer school classes do not count towards CSF
membership. - College classes count the same as high school classes (no
inflated grade points).
Once ten (10) CSF points have been identified, the following very specific criteria must also be considered:
- Of the minimum ten (10) points, the first FOUR (4) points must come from grades earned in classes on List I.
- Of the minimum ten (10) points, the cumulative first seven (7) points must come from List I and List II. List III courses do not count in the first seven points.
- The remaining three (3) points may come from any list. Note: All ten (10) points may come from List I courses.
- Grades from only five (5) classes may be used to qualify.