Student Resources

At Downey, we strive to provide our students with all of the tools they need to be successful. Student Resources houses links to educational websites to further students’ knowledge, as well as general information about the school policies. 

We strongly advise students to always ask a parent or guardian for permission before using the internet and to always use safe practices. 

Useful Links

Student Connect


Student Portal

DHS Writing Center

Downey High School Library

Tech Support

Downey Library

Free online tutoring is available

School Counselors

Downey High School Counselors are vital members of the education team. They help all students in the areas of academic achievement, personal/social development and career development. 

Wellness Resources

For Students

For Parents

calm leaf icon

Virtual Calming Rooms

If you are concerned about your child, someone else, or need help for yourself, please reach out to your school office or an organization below:

  • Contact your school counselor through your school’s main line or counseling office during normal business hours (Hours may be adjusted due to the school dismissal)
  • Wellness Center A mental health one-stop-shop for counseling, clinical therapy, community resource referrals and more. Our professionals provide a wide variety of services and programs to address overcoming life’s obstacles.
  • National Suicide Prevention Hotline (800) 273-TALK (8255)
    or text “START” to 741741 or go to
  • California Youth Crisis Line  Open 24/7 (800) 843-5200
  • Suicide Prevention Center (800) 727-4747
  • Department of Mental Health (800) 854-7771
  • Teen Line for teen to teen help: or text “TEEN” to 839863
  • Care Solace 24/7 Support, (888) 515-0595
  • Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health Psychiatric Mobile Response Team (PMRT) ACCESS Line (800) 854-7771

WeTip: Confidential Reporting

Students are often afraid to report incidents for a multitude of reasons. WeTip’s Reporting System offers an anonymous way for students and their families to report various happenings like wellness concerns, vandalism, bullying and discrimination without fear.

WeTip Be the Solution Submit an Annonymous Tip Online Button