Clubs and Organizations
Make A Difference. Get Involved.
Getting involved in student clubs is a great way to be connected to the campus, make new friends, gain valuable leadership experience, develop organizational skills, help build community on campus, and have fun.
Through the cooperation of all student clubs, students can effectively voice student needs, provide direction to the high school’s activities, and guide the high school’s growth. The degree of good leadership, effective planning, and critical thought used by each student club in the creation of its programs and activities will determine the extent and effectiveness of its influence on campus.
If you have questions about clubs, please email Mrs. Sims directly at

Want to Start a New Club?
Hey Vikes! Interested in starting a new club? Or reviving an old club that has previously existed? Check out the Club Handbook and fill out the Club Application below!
You must be signed into your DUSD student account to access the form!
There are two kinds of clubs.
Social Clubs are meetings and activities with members who share the same interests. There are no fundraisers and no money is handled.
Fundraising Clubs collect money and hold fundraising events. A budget plan is required.
- Print the Activities Request Form (ARF) (Download Here).
- Fill in all the information needed for the top and middle sections.
- Turn in the completed ARF to the Activities Director, Mrs. Sims at least 2 weeks prior to the desired event/activity.