La escuela secundaria Columbus es una de las solo 36 escuelas en todo el estado de California reconocidas este año.
News & Announcements
District Update – Outdoor Mask Guidelines
During tonight’s Special Board of Education meeting, the Board made the decision that outdoor masking will now be a recommendation and not a requirement, for both students and staff, effective immediately.
Actualización del distrito – Directrices sobre las máscaras al aire libre: Durante la reunión especial de la Junta de Educación de esta noche, la Junta tomó la decisión de que usar máscaras al aire libre ahora será una recomendación y no un requisito, tanto para los estudiantes como para el personal, con vigencia inmediata.
Downey Unified Alumnus Elected as First Latina President by Harvard Law Review
Priscila Coronado attended Rio San Gabriel Elementary, Doty Middle School and graduated in the top three percent of her class in 2015 from Downey High School.
Alumna del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Downey elegida como la primera presidenta Latina de Harvard Law Review – Priscila Coronado asistió a las escuelas Rio San Gabriel Elementary, Doty Middle School y se graduó en el tres por ciento superior de su clase en Downey High School en el 2015,
Procurement of Welding Equipment and Related Supply Items for the K-12 Strong Workforce Program
Bid Documents: Bid No. 21/22-05
Middle and High School Reconfirmation Window
Wednesday, March 10th through midnight on Monday, March 15th
Ventana de Reconfirmación de Escuelas Intermedias y Secundarias: miércoles 10 de Marzo hasta la medianoche del lunes 15 de Marzo
Downey Unified Provides Free Meals for ALL Children
Daily breakfast and lunch are available for ALL children, 18 years and younger.
District Update
Please take a few minutes watch a video message from Superintendent Dr. Garcia with the latest District Update.
Employee Awards for Outstanding Service 2015-16
Old River Elementary School On Tuesday May 17, 2016, Downey Unified’s Board of Education honored the Old River Elementary...
Important Message
Student Intent for returning on January 4th Mensaje importante: Intención del estudiante para regresar el 4 de enero...