Message from DPD & DUSD

Downey Police Department’s Chief Leslie Murray and Dr. Garcia would like to share a joint communication to ensure and remind everyone that the number one priority is the safety of our students and staff.

News & Announcements

Today’s Horrific Shooting in Texas

Today’s Horrific Shooting in Texas

Our hearts go out to the victims and families of the horrible incident that took place today on a school campus in Texas. This, sadly like the others, have truly shaken all of us and reminds us to be vigilant.

Horrible tiroteo de hoy en Texas:
Nuestros corazones están con las víctimas y las familias del horrible incidente que tuvo lugar hoy en el campus de una escuela en Texas. Esto, lamentablemente como los demás, realmente nos ha sacudido a todos y nos recuerda que debemos estar atentos.

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FBI Safety Tips

FBI Safety Tips

Each year parents are encouraged to remind their students about safety for walking to and from school. These tips were provided by the FBI.

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