Our Winter Break begins next week and although our students may be taking two weeks away from virtual learning, our Food Service staff will be working hard to make sure that all students continue to be fed during this time away.
On Monday, December 21st and again on Monday, December 28th, a 7-Day Meal Kit will be available for pick at Downey High School. Distribution will be in the back parking lot by the pool at Downey High and will begin at 9:30am. This large box and small bag will have seven (7) days worth of meals, and they will be provided to families until supplies last. Due to the size of this large box, we asking our families to make sure there is enough room within the vehicle to have these fit . We are also going to limit this to no more than four (4) boxes per vehicle. Face coverings and/or masks are required in the drive-thru to pick up a 7-Day Meal Kit. We look forward to seeing our families on both Mondays during Winter Break!
Consulte el folleto a continuación para obtener más detalles en español.