We’re excited to announce that the application window for G.L.A.D. has been extended to Feb. 10!
News & Announcements
AVID Hosted Three Exciting Saturday Academy Events
AVID at Doty hosted three exciting Saturday Academic Academy events. Topics covered financial literacy and college/career readiness.
Sussman Middle School Named 2025 California & National Schools to Watch
Downey Unified’s four middle schools now hold this state and national designation
Eyes on our Schools: Athletic Directors Report
January 2025 Warren High School Boys’ Basketball: is currently 11-10. We are vying for one of the top three spots in...
TLC 5K Race | February 22
TLC provides a range of human services to DUSD families for free. The annual 5K is our biggest fundraiser. Sign up to help your community.
DUSD’s 6th Annual Robolympics is January 25
DUSD’s Robolympics is January 25, 2025 at the Warren High Gym. Doors open at 8:00 am. Competition begins at 8:30 am.
Update on Air Quality & School Operations
We are pleased to share an update regarding the upcoming week. Thanks to improving conditions across Los Angeles County,...
Update on Air Quality Measures & School Operations for January 10, 2025
As we continue to monitor the ongoing challenges caused by the fires in Los Angeles County’s mountain, valley, and coastal...
Air Quality Update: Downey Unified Schools to Remain Open
As you may have heard, Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has made the decision to close their schools tomorrow....
Sussman’s IB Middle Years Programme* Application Window Opens Jan. 15
Sussman’s IB Middle Years Programme* Application Window Opens Jan. 15. RSVP for an info session to learn more about the programme!
CLOSING SOON: 2025-26 Intra-District Open Enrollment
Formerly School of Choice, Intra-District applications are now being accepted until Friday, Jan. 31.
Winter Break
Winter break will is Friday, Dec 20, through Friday, Jan 3. No school on Friday, Dec. 20. Students return to school on Monday, Jan 6.
Benefits of Musical Theatre
There are multiple benefits of musical theatre for a students, and the Downey Unified School District is proud to offer a robust program.
Downey Unified Wins Prestigious CSBA Golden Bell Award for Transformative Unified Sports Program
This award recognizes our commitment to inclusion and excellence through Unified Sports, promoting belonging for all students.
2024 ERP Honor Roll District
Downey Unified has been named an ERP Honor Roll District for 2024, and 13 of our schools received individual Honor Roll recognition. Learn more about it.
8 Ways to Build a Healthy Attendance Routine
Here are eight tips that can help your family build a healthy attendance routine that makes getting to school on time easier.
2024 Fall Parent Workshops with Grupo Crecer!
Please join us for our fall Parent workshop series with Dr. Grover Bravo!
College Credit Opportunities Available in Downey Unified
DUSD offers programs that allow students to learn at accelerated rates and earn college credit.
The Benefits of Attending School: Your Presence is Powerful
Regular school attendance boosts academic achievement and builds a strong foundation for social skills and responsibility.
Three new schools named Apple Distinguished Schools
Now a total of 11 schools across the district honored with this national recognition.
Your Presence is Powerful
We want all of our students to be successful and their presence in school is a key part of that success. Their Presence is Powerful as it shows they are committed to their education, their future, and their classmates.
10th Annual State of the Schools Breakfast
We invite our families and the community to attend this year’s informative event on Friday, Oct. 11th.
Understanding Transitional Kindergarten (TK)
Transitional Kindergarten (TK) exposes young students to kindergarten standards and helps develop fundamental skills for school.
Welcome Back Downey Unified
Superintendent Dr. Garcia has a message for all of our Downey Unified families as we prepare for the first day of the new school year!
Downey Unified is Now Using ParentSquare
We are excited to announce that we have adopted a new form of school-to-home communication across Downey Unified called ParentSquare.
Did you know? Your 4-year-old could start TK in the 2024-25 School Year!*
We have great news! Your child can now start reaping the rewards of being part of Downey Unified sooner than you think!
Benefits of Early Education
Did you know that 90 percent of the brain develops before age 5? This is why Downey Unified has created exemplary early education programs.
Yale-Bound Downey Unified Graduate Receives Prestigious Gates Scholarship
Downey High School senior is one of 750 across US to be selected for full scholarship
Preparing Students to be Career Ready
Downey Unified’s Work Experience Program hired 194 high school juniors to participate in our annual summer program.
Registration Open Now!
Downey Unified parents must complete or update the registration forms for each student attending the 24-25 school year.
The Difference Between Enrollment and Registration
Enrolling a student at Downey Unified only happens once. Registration happens every year. Learn more about both!
2023-24 Commencement/Promotion Schedule
As we close out the school year, we are excited to share the dates, times and locations for each school’s ceremony as we celebrate our students’ achievements!
Congratulations to our FIRST Robotics 2023-24 Winning Teams!
Downey and Warren High robotics teams competed on the worldwide stage by both qualifying for the 2024 FIRST Championship, an international robotics competition.