We are excited to announce that the Association of California School Administration (ACSA) has selected our very own Dr. Rebekah Ruswick as their Region 14 Special Education Administrator of the Year! Each year, ACSA Region 14 honors the outstanding achievement of school administrators of more than 20 Los Angeles County school and community college districts, serving diverse communities from Beverly Hills to Long Beach, CA.

Ruswick is receiving this distinguished honor for her strong commitment to educational quality, student achievement, and her active promotion of safe and effective learning in equitable and inclusive ways. She is also being recognized for championing the professional growth opportunities for her extensive team here in the district, ranging from educational to social-emotional support staff providing special education services, as well as in our district’s new student Wellness Centers.
“As Director of one of our district’s largest departments, serving approximately 3,500 students, Dr. Ruswick’s position requires her to be a strong leader and possess an unwavering code of ethics,” expressed Dr. Shannon, Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Education. “All students receiving services from our Special Education staff and our robust Clinical School Therapist teams, are learning in environments that encourage rigor and achievement while receiving critical support for their individual needs. Rebekah’s empowerment and appreciation of her staff makes meaningful educational opportunities more widely available and positively impacts the mental well-being of all our students.”
The award application submitted on Dr. Ruswick’s behalf notes her efforts have greatly strengthened relationships with district families of students with exceptional needs. Two such examples were the district’s first-ever Sensory Inclusive Fall Festival hosted at Warren High School in October, as well as informative bi-monthly parent training sessions now offered to families. In addition, her introduction of dedicated teaching models at the high school level has increased the number of students with exceptional needs graduating with the necessary credits to apply for college.
Ruswick will be formally recognized at the ACSA Region 14 Awards Dinner on April 27, in Redondo Beach.
The Association of California School Administrators was established in 1971 and is the umbrella organization for school leaders in the state, serving more than 16,000 school leaders throughout California. ACSA’s 19 regions divide the state geographically, allowing the voices of members to be heard at the local level.
The mission of ACSA is to support California’s educational leaders, ensure all students have the essential skills and knowledge needed to excel and champion public education. More than two dozen job-alike and issue-oriented councils and committees, a board of directors and a delegate assembly keep ACSA focused on school leadership and on education policy issues at the local, state and federal levels.