College & Career

Our College & Career Center is here to assist your student with individual college and career planning. We provide an abundance of resources on two and four year colleges, testing and test prep, financial aid, scholarships, internships, and many more opportunities in and around the Downey community.
DHS College and Career Center

College & Career Staff

tina campos

Tina Campos
562-869-7301 x5546

Maria Lopez

Maria Lopez
562-869-7301 x5514

Rudy Ojeda

Rudy Ojeda
562-869-7301 x 5563

jackie guevara

Jackie Guevara
562-869-7301 x5591

Happening Now

Additional Resources

Dual Enrollment

Interested in dual enrollment? Start by filling out this form. Instructions for application on the third page.

Work Permits

If a student is employed, even part-time, a work permit needs to be completed. Make sure to submit the completed form to Mrs. Lopez in the college and career center, room A201.

Community Service

Please stop by the college & career center for a list of local community service/internship opportunities. To receive credit for volunteering hours, use this form to track hours, and have your supervisor sign it. 


Career Opportunities

Please stop by the College & Career Center for a list of current local job opportunities.

Resume Development