CTE Pathways: Information & Communication Technologies

Information and Communication Technologies pathways provide a way for students to break into the entertainment industry in behind-the-scenes roles. With hands-on training, students learn the science behind the entertainment they consume, as well as other key technologies needed in a variety of entertainment industries so they’re well-equipped to jump right into work after high school or continue on with their education.

Computer Game Programming Pathway

In this pathway, students collaborate in teams to create games or simulations. They’ll learn skills like planning stories, designing gameplay, and using functions. The courses cover applying game strategies, rules, and mixed media in designs. Design specs, delivery, rules, navigation, scoring, and special features are also taught.

student with gaming chairs
screen animation
student with a design program


YEAR 1: Game Programming I

Course Description

Game Programming I introduces game development through C# programming, game design with characters and stories, and using Unity software. Students develop portfolio-worthy projects using industry sprites and games.

In this course, students master game programming individually and in teams. They learn to render single/multiplayer games, manage memory, and apply strategies. Programming concepts like syntax, algorithms, problem-solving, and type-checking are emphasized. Exploring Artificial Intelligence and AR/VR in games might be included.

YEAR 2: Game Programming II

Course Description

This course advances C# and Unity skills and adds C++ and Unreal Engine for 3D game development. The focus is on industry certification and portfolio building via individual and team projects. Students design, implement, and debug programs, applying computation, I/O, conditionals, iterations, and function definitions. They also learn C# and C++ for problem-solving and programming concepts like binding and visibility.

For More Information


George Beaver, Teacher


Learn More: CTE Pathways at DHS

Each CTE Pathway is industry-focused and usually consists of 2-3 courses. The last course in the pathway is the capstone. When students complete a course they may receive college credit or receive an industry certificate. Click on each industry below to see details about the courses and outcomes.

Graphic design

Graphic Design

Commercial art

Visual & Commercial Arts


Dance & Choreography







Auto repair

Systems Diagnostic & Repair



Medical symbols

Patient Care

Food science

Food Science

Computer games

Game Programming


Machining & Forming

