Dear Viking Nation,

We want to provide an important update regarding the solar construction project on our campus. The solar construction project in our parking lots is moving at a faster pace than expected. Because of the quick work, we will have changes to our parking lots this week. Please review the following changes to parking and drop-off zones, which will take effect this Thursday, January 23.

Beginning Thursday, January 23, the South Lot (Main Lot) will be closed for parking.  

  • Parking Restrictions
    • North Lot: Reserved for staff parking only; no student parking allowed until the project is complete.
    • South Lot (Main Lot): Closed for parking. Visitor parking will be limited during school hours.
    • East Lot (by the baseball field): Open for student parking with a valid permit. 
  • Drop-Off Access Only 
    • South Lot: Traffic will move in one direction only. Buses and cars must enter through Patton & Firestone, with Brookshire Gate serving as an exit only during drop-off and pick-up times.
    • North Lot: Open for drop-off only—no parking (only staff).
    • Alternative Drop-Off Areas: To reduce congestion on Firestone Blvd., we encourage parents to drop off students in other areas. The main lot will experience a lot of congestion. 
  • Birchdale Avenue Access
    • Vehicles will not be permitted to enter the North Lot through Birchdale Avenue (off 5th Street). 
    • Students can use the pedestrian gate near Birchdale for access.
  • Patton & Firestone Access
    • The Patton walkthrough gate will remain open for student access. 

We understand this change may inconvenience many of our families. We appreciate your understanding and encourage you to plan ahead to accommodate these adjustments.

Please note: No new student parking permits will be issued until construction is complete.

Make sure to check your email regularly for updates to drop-off locations. To help you prepare, please review the updated construction map attached to this email. Drop-off locations are marked with red stars.

Thank you for your flexibility and support as we work to improve our campus!