Bid 23/24-31 DHS RSY Interior Painting J Building Patch Paint Interior HallwayDownload Bid 23/24-31 Addendum No. 1 DHS RSY...
News & Announcements
Bid Results:
Bid No. 22/23-03: Replacement of Roofs at Columbus HS Buildings B & L, Downey HS T-Buildings, Stauffer MS Admin...
Bid Results:
Bid No. 2022/23-08: Exterior Painting Project at Imperial and Williams Elementary Schools, Columbus High School, and Downey...
Agreement No. 202223-002
Old River Elementary School Classroom Flooring Installation Bid Document
Agreement No. 202223-001
Downey High School Tennis Courts Resurfacing Bid Document
Bid #22/23-08
Exterior Painting Project at Imperial and Williams Elementary Schools, Columbus High School, and Downey High School and...
Bid: #22/23-04
Rio San Gabriel Elementary School Window Glazing Project
Bid #22/23-03
Replacement of Roofs at Columbus HS Buildings B & L, Downey HS T-Buildings, Stauffer MS Admin Building and Sussman MS...
Bid #22/23-02
Exterior Painting Project at Alameda, Imperial and Williams Elementary Schools, Columbus High School, and the SELACO...
Bid #21/22-15
Downey High School Football Field Artificial Turf Installation
Bid #22/23-01
Various Sites Asphalt Paving/Slurry Project
Roofing Replacement at Downey High School
Bid Documents: Project/Contract Number: 20/21-02
Exterior Painting at Multiple Sites
Bid Documents: Project/Contract Number 20/21-04
Asphalt Repairs/ Replacement at Lewis, Price, and Rio San Gabriel Elementary Schools; and Columbus and Warren High Schools
Bid Documents: Project/Contract Number: 20/21-05