Project Manual - Columbus HS Restroom Restoration No. 202425-441Download Bid Agreement No. 202425-441 Addendum No....
News & Announcements
Bid No. 24/25-13 Middle School Gym HVAC
Bid 24/25-13 Middle School Gym HVAC pdf. Bid No. 24/25-13 Middle School Gym HVAC Addendum No. 1Download Bid 24/25-13 Middle...
Agreement 202425-328 Sussman Middle School Drive Aisle Flood Mitigation
Agreement 202425-328 Sussman Middle School Drive Aisle Flood MitigationDownload BID RESULTS - 202425-328 Sussman Middle...
Bid 24/25-03 Carpenter and RSG Classroom Renovation
Bid 24/25-03 Carpenter and RSG Classroom RenovationDownload ADDENDUM-NO.-1- 24/25-03Download ADDENDUM NO 2. -...
Bid 24/25-09 Pace Education Center Kitchen Renovation
Bid 24/25-09 Pace Education Center Kitchen RenovationDownload 24/25-09 Addendum No 1. Pace KitchenDownload...
Bid No. 24/25-08 Pace Education Center Asphalt for Portables and Parking Lot Expansion
Bid No. 24/25-08: Pace Education Center Asphalt for Portables and Parking Lot ExpansionDownload Bid No. 24/25-08 Addendum...
Bid 24/25-07 Pace Education Center Portable Relocation
Bid 24/25-07 Pace Portable RelocationDownload 24/25-07 Addendum No 1Download 24/25-07 Addendum No. 2Download 24/25-07 Bid...
Bid No. 23/24-40 Sussman Middle School Food Service Renovation
Bid No. 23/24-40 Sussman Middle School Food Service RenovationDownload Bid No. 23/24-40 Addendum No. 1Download BID RESULTS...
Bid 23/24-39 Downey HS Field Speaker Upgrade
Bid 23/24-39 Downey HS Field Speaker UpgradeDownload Bid 23/24-39 Addendum No. 1Download
Bid 23/24-38 Warren HS Field Speaker Upgrade
Bid 23/24-38 Warren HS Field Speaker UpgradeDownload Bid No. 23/24-38 Addendum No. 1Download
Bid 23/24-34 Maintenance of HVAC Systems and Installation of CO2 Monitors and HVAC Filters
Bid 23/24-34 Maintenance of HVAC Systems and Installation of CO2 Monitors and HVAC FiltersDownload Addendum 1 Revised...
Bid No. 23/24-36 Lewis Elementary School Campus-Wide Fire Alarm Upgrade
Bid No. 23/24-36 Lewis Elementary School Campus-Wide Fire Alarm UpgradeDownload Addendum-No.-1 to Bid No. 23/24-36Download...
Bid No. 23/24-35 Lewis Elementary School Demo Existing Portable, Concrete Foundations, and Set New Portables
23/24-35 Lewis Elementary School Demo Existing Portable, Concrete Foundations, and Set New PortablesDownload BID RESULTS...
Bid No. 23/24-33 Sussman MS Food Service Renovation
Bid No. 23/24-33 Sussman MS Food Service RenovationDownload Addendum-1-Bid-23-24_33Download BID RESULTS...
Bid No. 23/24-32 Maintenance of HVAC Systems and Installation of CO2 Monitors and HVAC Filters
Bid No. 23/24-32 Maintenance of HVAC Systems and Installation of CO2 Monitors and HVAC FiltersDownload Bid No. 23/24-32...
Bid No. 23/24-31 DHS RSY Interior Painting J Building Patch Paint Interior Hallway
Bid 23/24-31 DHS RSY Interior Painting J Building Patch Paint Interior HallwayDownload Bid 23/24-31 Addendum No. 1 DHS RSY...
Bid No. 23/24-30 Alameda Elementary Exterior Paint
Bid 23/24-30 Alameda Elementary Exterior PaintDownload Bid No. 23/24-30 Addendum No. 1 Alameda Elementary Exterior...
Bid No. 23/24-27 Downey and Warren High School Musco Stadium Lighting Retrofit
Bid No. 23/24-27 Downey and Warren High School Musco Stadium Lighting RetrofitDownload Bid 23/24-27 Addendum No. 1Download...
Bid No. 23/24-28 Various Sites Playgrounds and or Parking Lot Slurry and Stripe
Bid No. 23/24-28 Various Sites Playgrounds and or Parking Lot Slurry and StripeDownload Bid No. 23/24-28 Addendum 1 Various...
Bid No. 23/24-29 Ward Elementary Food Service Line
Bid No. 23/24-29 Ward Elementary Food Service LineDownload Bid No. 23/24-29 Addendum No. 1Download Bid 23/24-29...
Bid No. 23/24-25 Various Elementary School TK/K Fence Line Bollards Project
Bid No. 23/24-25 Various Elementary Sites TK/K Fence Line BollardsDownload Bid No. 23/24-25 Addendum No. 1Download Bid...
Bid 23/24-23 Stauffer Synthetic Turf Softball Field
23/24-23 Stauffer Synthetic Turf Softball FieldDownload 23/24-23 Addendum No. 1Download 23/24-23 Addendum No. 2 Stauffer...
Bid 23/24-20 Various Site CAT6 Cabling for IP Phone Project
Bid 23/24-20 Various Site CAT6 Cabling for IP Phone ProjectDownload Addendum 1 Various Sites CAT6 Cabling 1Download BID...
Bid 23/24-19 Stauffer Middle School Canopy Ceiling Paint and Columbus High School D, E, F, & G Ceiling Tile Repair and Paint Project
Updated Bid 23/24-19 Stauffer MS, ORS ES and Columbus HS Painting ProjectDownload Addendum No. 1 23/24-19 Download BID...
Bid 23/24-17 Alameda ES, Sussman MS, and Warren HS Paint Project
Bid 23/24-17 Alameda ES DAS Sussman MS and Warren HS Paint Project (updated 11/29/23)Download Bid 23/24-17 Addendum No....
Bid 23/24-18 Stauffer MS Canopy Roof Replacement Project
Bid 23/24-18-Stauffer MS Canopy Roof Replacement ProjectDownload Bid 23/24-18 Addendum No. 1Download BID RESULTS Bid...
Bid 23/24-16 Columbus HS Roof Replacement, Restoration, and Patch Project
23/24-16 Columbus HS Roof Replacement Restoration and PatchDownload BID RESULTS 23/24-16 Columbus HS Roof...
Bid No. 23/24-15 Warren High School Gym A/V Upgrade
Bid No. 23/24-15 Warren HS Gym A/V UpgradeDownload Addendum No. 1 23/24-15 Warren HS Gym A/V UpgradeDownload BID RESULTS...
Bid # 23/24-12
Downey & Warren HS Exterior Stadium Panel Replacement BID RESULTS DHS WHS Ext. Stadium Panel Replacement...
Bid # 23/24-05
Gauldin Elementary School EPIC Paging and Audio Enhancement Installation Project
Agreement 202324-004
Ward ES Food Service Line Project
Bid # 22/23-16
Downey High School X Building HVAC Replacement Project
Agreement 202223-559 – Gallatin Elementary School Playground Asphalt
Gallatin Elementary School Playground Asphalt Project Bid Document