Welcome to Downey Unified

Our Kids Deserve the Best...

Apply Now

Please fill out the form below to apply for Downey Unified School District.

This application is for families living outside of the school district only.  This is the wrong application for families residing within Downey Unified boundaries. 

Haga clic aquí si necesita esta forma traducida al Español.

Student's First Name:
Student's Last Name:
Student's Date of Birth (format mm/dd/yyyy):
Home Address (Street/Apt #):
Home Address City:
Home Address Zip:
Telephone (format no spaces, dashes, or parenthesis 1234567890):

Has your student been previously enrolled in DUSD:

If 'yes', what was their previous Downey school? :
What was the date of withdrawal? (format mm/dd/yyyy):
Reason for Withdrawal:
Student ID:

What is grade level being requested?:

Which is your first school of choice?:  

Second school of choice?:
Third school of choice?:

What school year are you requesting a permit for?:
Student's GPA From Last Report Card:
Behavior on their last report card:
Does the student have any disciplinary action or an expulsion order:
Is your student on a Section 504 Plan?

Does the student require Special Education Services:

If 'yes', Special Education Type:
Special Education Other:

Is there a sibling at the requested school?:

If 'yes' sibling student ID:
Sibling First Name:
Sibling Last Name:
Sibling's grade next school year:

Are you submitting a permit application for a sibling, as well?
Parent or Guardian 1 First Name:
Parent or Guardian 1 Last Name:
Contact Phone 1 (format no spaces, dashes, or parenthesis 1234567890):
Email 1:
Parent or Guardian 2 First Name:
Parent or Guardian 2 Last Name:
Contact Phone 2 (format no spaces, dashes, or parenthesis 1234567890):
Email 2:
Is the parent/guardian a DUSD employee?:

If 'yes', which DUSD Site:
Site Other:

What is the student's current school district of residence?:
District of residence (Other):
What is your student's current school of residence?:

If you were referred by someone, please enter their name:

Referred by email:

Reason for Application:

If Specialized Academic Program, please specify which program:

If ‘Other Reason’, please enter an explanation.

Any additional comments for consideration?:
I understand that my child is enrolling on an Inter-District Permit under the following conditions:

• Continued space availability at the school chosen.
• Maintain satisfactory behavior.
• Maintain satisfactory attendance; 90% or above.
• Maintain satisfactory grades; 2.5 GPA or above.
• Transportation provided by parent or guardian.

• Assurance of no recruitment for athletic participation.
• Athletic eligibility is established upon entering a District high school for the first time and remains in effect for the student’s high school years.

By submitting your application, you are agreeing that the information you have submitted is accurate to the best of your knowledge.

Please note: False information, and/or the ommission of pertinent information from your application, including the disclosure of a student's known IEP or 504 plan, may result in an automatic withdrawal of the application and/or an assigned permit being revoked.