Back to School Night

Back to School Night

Parents and families, please join us for Back to School Night on Wednesday September 4th from 5:00-8:oopm. Our campus festivities will begin at 5:00pm and Classroom Visitations will start at 6:00pm. Back to School Night Program
Late Start Mondays

Late Start Mondays

Starting August 19th, our school will have Late Starts on Mondays to allow our teachers time to meet and collaborate on curriculum. Classes will start at 9:00am instead of 8:30am. Here are the Late Start Monday dates for 1st semester: August 19, 26 September 9, 16,...
Our School is Now Using ParentSquare

Our School is Now Using ParentSquare

We are excited to announce that we have adopted a new form of school-to-home communication across Downey Unified called ParentSquare. ParentSquare provides a simple and safe way for everyone at school and across the district to connect. With ParentSquare you’ll be...
Your Presence is Powerful

Your Presence is Powerful

This school year, we’re excited to kick off a new attendance campaign: Your Presence is Powerful. Throughout the year, we’ll share tips and resources for ensuring your child(ren) is in attendance daily. Working Together to Better Our Students Along with many school...