Student Resources
At Warren, we strive to provide our students with all of the tools they need to be successful. Student Resources houses links to educational websites to further students’ knowledge, as well as general information about the school policies.
We strongly advise students to always ask a parent or guardian for permission before using the internet and to always use safe practices. Now start researching and expand your knowledge.

Useful Links
Get Connected
StudentSquare provides a simple and safe way for everyone at school and across the district to connect.
- Receive messages from school by email, text or mobile app.
- Send messages to your teachers and staff at school.
- Stay in the loop regarding late start days, extracurricular activities,
and class projects. - Subscribe to calendars, RSVP to events, complete forms, use sign-up
sheets and participate in groups.
StudentSquare can be used on any device. You can download the free mobile app for iOS (iPhone) or Android or use the desktop version at

Student Attendance Expectations
Class attendance is considered to be an integral part of the learning experience at Warren High School. As such, students must actively participate in instructional activities designed by the teacher and missing these learning experiences may affect students’ academic success.
Students must abide by the following attendance expectations:
- Attendance will be taken daily in each block/period and students will communicate daily with assigned teachers in order to be marked “Present”.
- Students will inform teachers if they are unable to attend class if there are extenuating circumstances that prevent them from attending class.
Reporting/Clearing Absences
Please report any absence of your student through Q Parent Connect. All absences must be reported by a parent or guardian through this website within 10 days of the initial absence. Please note that this will be the only way to clear student absences and voicemails will not suffice. A guide for reporting absences with screenshots can be accessed here.
We encourage you to regularly review your student’s daily attendance and tardy record. Failure to clear absences within the time frame may impact student eligibility to participate in sports and extracurriculars.
If you have any questions, please leave a voicemail on our Attendance Support Hotline at (562) 469-7379 and one of our Attendance staff members will return your call.
Activity Eligibility Guidelines
These guidelines apply to ALL grade levels and pertain to all:
- sporting events
- school dances (including Prom)
- class field trips
- any other school-sponsored activities
1. Thirteen (13) or more unexcused period absences - Any student with 13 or more will be ineligible.
2. Outstanding Detention and/or Saturday School - Any student who willfully skips assigned detention and/or Saturday School will be ineligible.
3. Downey Unified School District attendance policy BP/AR 2160:
a. Parent/Guardians are allowed to excuse up to 7 days of absences. Beginning on the 8th absence, all absences must be verified by a physician, school nurse, health assistant or an appropriate school employee. Absences not verified will be considered unexcused.
b. Parent/Guardian will have 10 school days to verify the absence, beginning on the day the student returns to school.
c. For additional information, please reference our Parent/Student Guide under Parent Resources on our District website.
4. Unverified absences - After 10 days, unverified absences will only be excused by attending Saturday School or by providing legal documentation specifying the dates to be excused.
Attendance can be reviewed and excused using Parent Connect.
Off-Campus Passes
If a parent/guardian needs to take their student out of school before the end of the school day, the parent needs to write a note, send it with their student the same day, and have their student turn in the note to the attendance office before school. The off-campus pass will be ready for the student to pick up during snack. Please make sure that the note has the following information:
- Name and ID of student
- Time and reason for the early dismissal
- Signature of the parent or legal guardian only
The attendance office will contact the parent to verify authenticity of the note. If unable to contact the parent or legal guardian, the student will not be permitted to leave campus.
Out of an abundance of caution and safety, only the parent or legal guardian has the authority to request an early dismissal. “Emergency contacts” are to be utilized by the school in case of a school emergency. Students will not be released to emergency contacts unless the Attendance Office has been provided with written authorization from parent/guardian ahead of time. Anyone checking out a student must have a valid ID card.
Internet Acceptable Usage Agreement
While electronic information resources offer tremendous opportunities for educational value, they may also present opportunities for illegal and unethical use. Please make sure to read and understand the following agreement carefully before you sign and turn it in.