Did you have a great report card at the semester? Would you like to graduate with academic honors?

Membership Application Process
Only complete applications will be accepted. Applications are available at the library and can be downloaded from the link below.


Course List

  1. Fill out the application form. If you need assistance, see your class adviser or Mrs. Dussan. Use the 2021-2022 course list to fill out your application.
  2. Attach a copy of your second semester report card (Fall 2021)
  3. Attach the NON-REFUNDABLE $5.00 membership fee.
  4. Staple application and report card.
  5. Take the application, your second semester report card, and NON-REFUNDABLE $5.00 membership fee to the ASB Financial Office walk-up window during snack or lunch.
    No applications will be accepted after the deadline
    The deadline to submit your application is Tuesday, February 1st, 2022.