After graduating from Warren High School, Nancy earned an A.A. degree from Cerritos Community College in 1986. She later transferred to Cal State Dominguez Hills where took night classes while working full-time and earned a B.S. in Business Admin/CIS with Honors in 1995.
In 1985, Nancy began working as a computer operator supporting the engineering staff at Hughes Aircraft, now Raytheon Systems. She moved up in the company eventually supervising the team responsible for the budgets and acquisitions in support of the West Coast operations of the company.
In 2005, Nancy was elected to the Downey School Board and served as President in 2012. She has been a member of the Character Counts Coalition, Technology Planning Team, and the Common Core Coalition Transition Team. She coordinates visits
between Raytheon and DUSD engineering students, attends many after school functions, and regularly visits the school sites.
She is a member of Gangs Out of Downey (G.0.0.D.), Downey Symphony Guild, Sister Cities Association, and was one of the founding members of the City of Downey’s Green Task Force.
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