Closing the Opportunity Gap in Education
AVID helps prepare underrepresented students for admission to a four-year college or university. The program fosters a safe culture along with high expectations for teachers and students.
Participating students take an AVID elective throughout middle and high school. The electives provide them with the skills needed to be successful in advancing academically, with the ultimate goal of attending college.
College-going Culture
AVID equips students with the resources, support, and preparation necessary for college eligibility and success. At the secondary level, students can take AVID as an elective class to develop essential skills, that include:
- critical thinking
- collaboration
- time management
- study skills and note-taking
- relationship building
Being part of AVID will challenge students to succeed in more academically rigorous classes. Students in AVID will also benefit from tutoring sessions that are led by college students, dynamic guest speakers, team-building activities and field trips to local colleges and universities.
The AVID Student Profile
Students with Academic Potential:
- Average to high test scores
- 2.0 – 3.5 GPA
- College potential with support
- Desire and determination
Meets One or More of the Following:
- First to attend university
- Historically underserved in 4-year colleges
- Socio-economically challenged
- Special circumstances

What AVID Students Can Expect
- High expectations from other teachers because they are AVID students
- Constant collaboration with AVID students, teachers, and college tutors
- Heavy writing curriculum in AVID elective
- Students will take focused notes in all academic classes, ALWAYS
- Weekly Learning Logs for all academic classes (reflection on student learning)
- Full academic schedule
- Summer School (if applicable)
- If required summer school is not completed, students will be removed from the AVID program
- Tutorials twice per week
- Community service opportunities each year
- Fundraiser participation
- College campus tours/guest speakers
- 2-3 hours of homework each evening (all classes combined)
How to Apply
Attend an Information Night
Submit application by deadline
Ask teachers to submit a recommendation
To apply to AVID, students will need a teacher recommendation from your:
- English Teacher
- Math Teacher
- Science Teacher
- AVID Teacher (if you are in AVID this year)
You must inform your teachers that you are applying to AVID and ask them to write you a recommendation. We recommend asking your teachers early so they have time to fill out the form.
AVID interviews generally take place in the spring. You will receive information from the AVID coordinators. Practice answering the questions below.
Interview Questions
- Briefly explain your most meaningful experience, inside or outside of school.
- What three (3) adjectives best describe the kind of person you are?
- Describe your study habits at school and home. Include study times, places, people who help you with your work, and your preference to work independently or collaboratively in a group.
- What do you do when you are struggling in an academic class?
- Are you currently enrolled in AVID? If so, how has AVID helped you succeed? If not, what interests you about AVID?
- Write out any questions you have about the AVID program.
Reach out to your AVID Coordinator to learn more.

What’s New?
AVID Hosted Three Exciting Saturday Academy Events
AVID at Doty hosted three exciting Saturday Academic Academy events. Topics covered financial literacy and college/career readiness.
Doty Middle School AVID Students Honored at College-Ready Banquet
On May 3rd, Doty Middle School hosted a celebratory banquet for their incredible 8th grade AVID students. The AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) program empowers underrepresented students to achieve their college dreams. This banquet recognized the hard...
AVID Students at Doty Middle School Beat the Heat with Kona Ice!
This icy treat was a sweet way to boost morale and provide a cool pick-me-up as students tackled their tests.