Reflections 2024–2025: Accepting Imperfection

Reflections 2024–2025: Accepting Imperfection

“The Reflections Program provides students with the opportunity to create works of art for fun and recognition. Reflections can also serve as an outlet for students to creatively explore what they are learning in the classroom. When children express themselves...
Your Presence is Powerful

Your Presence is Powerful

This school year, we’re excited to kick off a new attendance campaign: Your Presence is Powerful. Throughout the year, we’ll share tips and resources for ensuring your child(ren) is in attendance daily. Working Together to Better Our Students Along with many school...
Minimize Your Stress As the New School Year Begins

Minimize Your Stress As the New School Year Begins

The saying “time flies when you’re having fun” seems to be most accurate during the summer—it’s already August and time to get back into your family’s school year routine. For many students and parents/guardians, the next few weeks can be a rather chaotic time, but...
Our School is Now Using ParentSquare

Our School is Now Using ParentSquare

We are excited to announce that we have adopted a new form of school-to-home communication across Downey Unified called ParentSquare. ParentSquare provides a simple and safe way for everyone at school and across the district to connect. With ParentSquare you’ll be...