Parent Resources

Useful Links

Parent Connection

City of Downey

Downey Library


i-Ready Login

Important Documents

2024-2025 Welcome Letter

Learn what to expect for the school year.
CHS Download: English & Spanish
Woodruff: English & Spanish

Student Handbook

This document contains school policies and procedures that students and parents should know.
Download: English

Parent Involvement Policy

The document outlines a parent involvement policy for the school, fostering collaboration between school and families.
Download: English & Spanish

Home School Compact

This document explains how parents and teachers will work together to make sure all our students reach grade level standards.
Download: English & Spanish

happy students wearing graduation gowns

2024–25 DUSD Parent Student Guide

The Parent Student Guide contains the District policies and procedures you and your student should know to make the most of your school year.

Download the Guide: English | Spanish

Enrollment vs. Registration

What is the difference between enrollment and registration?
This helpful article can walk you through this topic.
Learn more.

Health Policy Information

Please read the documents below for important information about Downey Unified Health, Medication & Illness Policies:

2024–2025 Illness Policy
2024–2025 Medication Policy
2024–2025 Medication Guidelines

Health Forms

A complete list of health forms is available below. Please download, fill out, and turn in any forms that are applicable to your child. Your protections under HIPAA.

Immunization Requirements

All students must be immunized to attend school at DUSD. Please click on the forms and information below to learn more.

Student Accident & Sickness Insurance

Even though we take precautions to protect your child from injuries, accidents can and do happen while students are participating in school activities on campus, on school trips, and during extra-curricular activities and sports.

Although DUSD does not carry medical or dental insurance for your child, a variety of low-cost medical/dental insurance plans are available through Myers-Stevens & Toohey & Co., Inc.

More Information
Brochure: English | Spanish

2024–2025 Letter to DUSD Parents: English | Spanish

DUSD Parent & Family Engagement Policy

Family engagement is the participation of parents and/or family members in the two-way communication involving student learning and related school activites
English  |  Spanish

Parent Rights and Procedural Safeguards

Important information for those who are enrolled in Downey-Montebello SELPA.
English  |  Spanish

Request to Not Release Student Information

Form: English | Spanish

Fees, Charges, and Deposits

Download Information Sheet: English

True Lasting Connections (TLC) Family Resource Center

The TLC Family Resource Center partners with more than 50 agencies dedicated to providing support to children and families within Downey Unified. TLC also ensures that each referred student receives the physical and emotional support they need.

Foster and McKinney-Vento Advocacy Program

All youth should have the opportunity for educational success, regardless of what their housing or family situation may be. The Foster Youth and McKinney-Vento (Homeless) Advocacy Program at Downey Unified School District is here to help. Our program provides a variety of supports and interventions to assist our students’ success both academically and socio-emotionally.

Downey Council PTA H.E.L.P.S.

Information regarding a food pantry sponsored by Downey Council PTA for the students and families of Downey Unified.

Wellness Resources

For Students

For Parents

calm leaf icon

Virtual Calming Rooms

Helpful Information

Athletics Participation

Requirements: There are three main requirements to sign up for a sport.

  1. Student must maintain a 2.0 GPA along with good citizenship.
  2. Must have a completed Physical Evaluation Form on file.
  3. Must have an Emergency Card on file.

DUSD Sports By Laws


i-Ready is an online program that will help determine your student’s needs, personalize their learning, and monitor progress throughout the school year. i-Ready allows teachers to meet your student exactly where they are and provides data to increase your student’s learning gains.

Learn more: Visit the Family Center

California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP)

End-of-year statewide test results to get a complete picture of your child’s learning.

Learn more: CAASPP: A Parent’s Guide

School Zone Traffic Laws

Become familiar with the special laws related to keeping schools safe. Learn more: School Zone Traffic Laws

Common Sense Media

Discover family-friendly media you feel good about sharing with your kids. Entertainment and technology recommendations for families.


Get Connected

Q-Parent Connect

Q-Parent Connect will allow you to access student grades, attendance, and additional information. Once enrollment is complete, the parent/guardian should receive a Parent Connection account log-in and temporary password.

  • If you do not remember your Q-ParentConnection pin or password, please use the links under the Login button to receive that information.
  • If you do not currently have a Q-ParentConnection account, please contact your child’s school.
Click this button to get the Q-Parent Connect application on the Apple Store
Click this button to get the Q-Parent Connect application on Google Play


ParentSquare provides a simple and safe way for everyone at school and across the district to connect.

  • Receive all district, school and classroom communication via email, text, or through the app.
  • Communicate in your preferred language.
  • Comment on school postings to engage with your school community.
  • View the school and classroom calendar and RSVP for events.
  • Easily sign up to volunteer and/or bring items.
  • Securely receive report cards and other important information.

ParentSquare can be used on any device. You can download the free mobile app for iOS (iPhone) or Android or use the desktop version at

Click this button to get the Q-Parent Connect application on the Apple Store
Click this button to get the Q-Parent Connect application on Google Play

School Site Council


School Site Councils are the major part of the overall decision-making structure at our school. They are a very special group of people who are elected by their peers to represent the members of a school community. Their primary role is to guide the Site Planning Process to ensure that the needs of all students are specifically addressed in the School Site Plan. The School Site Plan is a living document that highlights the goals for the school and the programs and dollars that the school needs to turn these goals into a reality for students.

2024-2025 School Site Council Meeting Dates

Download: Schedule

Parent Participation Opportunities

Each year, we ask for volunteers who would be interested in being elected to serve on our school’s School Site Council. This committee is comprised of nominated teachers, students, administrators and parents.

Your responsibilities would be to attend a few meetings throughout the year. The function of the committee is to review and update the school plan, review its implementation and effectiveness, and help develop a budget and approve expenditures.

If you are interested, please fill out the form: Parent Participation Form

English Language Advisory Council (ELAC)

If your student has been identified and classified as an English Learner, then we would like to ask if you would be interested in serving on our English Language Advisory Council.  English Language Advisory Council (ELAC), is a group of parents and guardians who voice their opinions and help to create a program for the Limited English Proficient (LEP) students.  ELAC discusses funding, classes, books, attendance and other topics that affect the English Learners (EL).

If you are interested: Submit Interest Form

10 Ways to Help Your Child Succeed 

  1. Attend Back-to-School Night and Parent-Teacher Conferences
  2. Visit the school and its website
  3. Support homework expectations
  4. Send your child to school well-rested and ready to learn
  5. Instill organization skills
  6. Teach study skills
  7. Know the disciplinary and bullying policies
  8. Get involved by:
    • mentoring or tutoring students
    • giving a talk for career day
    • attending school concerts, plays, and athletic events
    • chaperoning field trips and dances
    • organizing fundraising activities
    • attending school board meetings
  9. Take attendance seriously
  10. Make time to talk about school
graduating student with group of administrators

How to Transfer Back to Warren or Downey High School


Transfer ONLY at the beginning of each semester.

Attendance: 85% total attendance rate

Credits: (All courses completed in blocks of 5 or 10 credits)

Seniors Semester 1 160 Credits
Semester 2 190 Credits
Juniors Semester 1 100 Credits
Semester 2 130 Credits
Sophomores Semester 1 60 Credits
Semester 2 90 Credits