Our School
Meet Our Principal
Dear Parents, Students, and Community:
Welcome to Columbus Model Continuation High School, home of the Lions! As a staff, we are committed to addressing the whole child. We are a WASC-accredited high school with a 6-year clear. We are devoted to meeting our student’s instructional and social-emotional learning needs while cultivating a growth mindset that will empower our Lions to graduate and thrive beyond high school. One of our hallmarks is cultivating a safe and caring school community that sets the foundation for learning. Another hallmark is our Steps to Success program, which enables our students to track their credits and attendance in real-time, measure progress toward their personalized educational goal, earn their diploma, and successfully transition into their post-secondary endeavor, college and career ready.
Opportunities are on the horizon and we are honored to be a part of our student’s educational journey.
At CHS, our Lions truly are our pride!
Dr. Ortiz, Principal
Helping Students Navigate a New Course to Success
Our Vision
The VISION of Columbus High School is to prepare our students to be educated, successful and responsible citizens. We envision our students taking an active part in the quality instruction and curriculum designed to meet their diverse needs and interests. We provide our students with the opportunity to question, create, think and learn mutual respect that will help prepare them for a positive future.
Our Mission
The MISSION of Columbus High School is to provide a safe and non-threatening environment that emphasizes a multiethnic and multicultural educational program directed toward the diverse and changing needs of its students.
Columbus High School offers quality comprehensive and flexible programs that are designed to develop personal, academic and job-related skills. Columbus students will learn to communicate clearly, think critically, and acquire the knowledge and skills required to enhance the quality of their lives.
A Model Continuation High School
In 2019, Columbus High School was designated a Model Continuation High School by the California Department of Education (CDE), Educational Options Division, in cooperation with the California Continuation Education Association Plus (CCEA Plus). The Model Schools High School Recognition Program recognizes schools that work with at-risk youth through innovative methods to overcome academic challenges. Challenges range from truancies to behavioral problems.
Schools are accepted into the program through an application process that judges the school’s effectiveness based on assessments, data, a peer review panel, and an on-site visit. We are proud to be part of the program and thank our staff members whose hard work led to our selection.
Columbus was specifically recognized for increasing our attendance rate from 75 percent to between 85 and 90 percent over three years, along with our use of individualized instruction.

WASC Accredited Since 2010
Why is WASC Accreditation Important? The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) accreditation confirms that this school is trustworthy institution for student learning. With this seal, you can be assured that the school’s purposes are appropriate and being accomplished through a viable educational program. It also validates the integrity of the school’s program and transcripts.
In June of 2019, Columbus High School was awarded another full six-year accreditation from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).

The Columbus High School Logo

The Columbus High School Logo was created by a teacher named Mr. Salvador Zuniga in 2019. Along with the school’s inspirational and culturally rich seal, this logo embodies the same characteristics of the seal in a modern and concise image with the input of the current student body. The art for this logo was inspired by a similar desire to instill a sense of pride in today’s students through learning opportunities and service experiences.
Historically, the lion is a symbol of courage, nobility, strength, and wisdom. Blending the letters CHS to form the profile of a lion is symbolic of the traits our students embody and continue to develop during their time at CHS. At first glance, one may not readily distinguish between CHS and the image of a lion. Similarly, the traits of courage, nobility, strength, and wisdom meld into the character of our Columbus High School community members. These traits may or not be readily visible, but are absolutely ever so present.
Upon closer inspection, one will notice that there are 22 whisker marks on the lion’s face. This number is a representation of altruism. An altruistic person is of great value because they make the necessary sacrifices needed to improve the quality of life of those around them. A student who graduates from Columbus High School will be an asset and a benefit to the community.
Lastly, the lion’s majestic onward gaze depicts our students’ newfound sense of pride and confidence in looking forward to a better future.
The Columbus High School Seal

The Columbus High School Seal was created by an art student named Jesse in the early 1990’s. The art teacher, Mrs. Wilcox, was leading her class in a discussion on how to design a business logo. The class discussed the need for a logo to accurately represent what a company is all about. The discussion turned to what a logo for Columbus High School might look like.
Students began to share what images or icons would best depict Columbus High School. They all agreed that the Columbus ships would represent the voyage that students embark upon when they leave Downey or Warren to come to Columbus. Another student said the waters should be rough representing the difficulties that brought them to the Columbus shores. One student mentioned that Columbus students are often called the “Black Sheep” and another said, “but at Columbus we are Lions”.
At the conclusion of the discussion, Jesse asked if he could try his hand at creating a logo for Columbus High School. His design so depicted the vision and mission of Columbus High School that it was adopted as our official school seal.
If you look closely, the ships of Columbus have braved rough waters to arrive at a new shore. From the ship emerge black sheep who, as soon as they touch ground, begin to change into Lions. As they are changed, they start to climb the mountain to success, overcoming bad habits and obstacles that have kept them from achieving. Finally, through consistent effort, they have earned their high school diploma and sit proudly on the pinnacle of success. Crowned with pride, they look back and reflect upon the journey and look forward to a future that is bright! Their hearts forever filled with a Lion’s pride!
Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
School Site Councils are the major part of the overall decision-making structure at each school. They are a very special group of people who are elected by their peers to represent the members of a school community. Their primary role is to guide the Site Planning Process to ensure that the needs of all students are specifically addressed in the SPSA. The SPSA is a living document that highlights the goals for the school and the programs and dollars that the school needs to turn these goals into a reality for students.