Dear Students and Families,
We are really excited to share that next year at the start of the 2022-2023 school year, Warren will pilot a new 8 period block bell schedule in order to meet the growing student needs and have the flexibility needed to ensure students are college & career ready, meet students’ social emotional needs, and allow all students access to all of our phenomenal programs like AVID, CTE, the arts, athletics, and so much more. This schedule will allow students who have fallen behind the opportunity to get back on track as well as receive academic intervention and tutoring during the school day. For our students who are on track, we will be able to offer several enrichment opportunities such as dual enrollment, internships, volunteering, and additional supports to help with the college application process. In addition, all our students will have more access to mental health support as well.
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We strongly believe that students will do better academically, socially, & emotionally when they are connected to a program or to something they are passionate about. We are excited to launch our Pick Your Passion Project now that we have a schedule that allows more room for students to choose multi year programs and pathways. Every incoming 9th grader will choose a CTE pathway, choir, drama, AVID, or another multi year program. Now 10th-12th graders have room in their schedule to explore CTE classes as well.
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