CJSF and Scholarship Club

The California Jr. Scholarship Federation (CJSF)

What is CJSF?

The CJSF is a state-wide academic organization at Stauffer Middle School. Our chapter coordinates its guidelines with the California Scholastic Federation. It is an organization that rewards scholarship and service. The purpose of CJSF is to foster high standards of scholarship, service, and citizenship on the part of California’s public and private middle school students.

CJSF prepares the student to continue with their CSF membership in high school. Membership offers the opportunities to participate in activities which benefit the school, the community, and the student. It is a great way to start building your future college application by being a member of a statewide program.

Who is Eligible?

 You may qualify if you meet the following requirements:

1. If you are in second semester of 7th grade.

2. If you have at least 10 academic points.

3. If you do not have a 4 or 5 in citizenship.

4. If you do not have a D or F in any subject.

Only academic courses are counted such as English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and Academic Electives (technology, journalism and drama). PE, cross-age tutors or office service does not count toward the academic point total.

1. A grade of “A” 3 points

2. A grade of “B” 1 point

3. A grade of “C” 0 points

4. A grade of “D” or “F” will eliminate you from eligibility. The number of points earned must be twice the number of academic subjects for which you are enrolled.

How Do I Apply?

At the beginning of each semester, the CJSF advisors will hold an informational meeting. Applications must be completed by the student in order to be considered for CJSF.

Social Studies students dressed as Roman soldiers

Scholarship Club

What is Scholarship Club?

At Stauffer Middle School we recognize our students with excellent academic achievement and behavior. Membership in the Scholarship Club each semester is based on semester grades and includes standards for both GPA and behavior. Each spring, Stauffer Middle School honors these distinguished students at our annual Honors Night. Stauffer’s 4.0 students are also honored with the President’s Award for Academic Excellence.

Who is Eligible?

6th grade students must have at least 11 points in their five core classes (Math, Reading Language Arts, English Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science) with 3 points given for an A and 1 point for a B. They may not have any C’s, D’s, F’s, N’s, or U’s in those core classes. They may not have any D’s, F’s, N’s, or U’s in other classes and no 4’s or 5’s in citizenship. All students will be honored each semester. 

7th & 8th-grade students must have at least 10 points in their four core classes (Math, Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science) with 3 points given for an A and 1 point for a B. They may not have any D’s, F’s, N’s, or U’s and no 4’s or 5’s in citizenship.

Social Studies students dressed as Roman soldiers

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