david gafin

David’s community involvement includes being past president of the Downey Chamber of Commerce, Gangs out of Downey and the Downey Los Amigos Kiwanis Club. He was also chairman for the Downey City Planning Commission, Downey Holiday Lane Parade and the Downey Street Faire. He was also Vice President of the Downey Coordinating Council and is a member of Citizens for Downey and the Downey Rose Float Association.

Currently the Mayor of Downey, his responsibilities include being the city representative to the Downey Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, the Chamber of Commerce city affairs committee, Columbia Memorial Space Learning Center foundation, Gangs out of Downey, Gateway Cities 91/105 Needs Assessment Study Corridor Cities Committee, I-5 Consortium Cities Policy Board, LA County Sanitation Districts 2 & 18, Budget Subcommittee and the Lakewood Subcommittee. David is also an Elected Regional Council member for District 25 representing Downey & South Gate in the Southern California Association of Governments.

David has won awards as Kiwanian of the Year, Downey Chamber of Commerce Director & Committee Person of the Year, Outstanding Community Service Volunteer for the Downey Coordinating Council as well as Small Business of the Year for the Downey Chamber of Commerce. David lives in Downey with his wife Brenda who also graduated from Downey High and has a son, Brent Gable who in turn graduated from Downey High.