Principled people act with integrity, honesty, and a strong sense of fairness, justice, and respect for the dignity of individuals, groups, and communities.  They take responsibility for their actions and the consequences that accompany them.

Activities for parents

  • Involve your child in deciding on the rules for a game or activity and then ensure that they stick to the ones that have been agreed upon.
  • Encourage your child to play games that involve teams. Discuss with your child the qualities of a team player. What sort of person would they want on their team?
  • When your child wins a game, insist that he or she is a well-mannered winner, who always shows good sportsmanship. They might thank their opponent or shake hands with them if it’s appropriate.
  • When playing a game, don’t change the rules or let your child win. Being a gracious loser is just as important as being a good winner.

This is our final learner profile for the school year.  We hope you enjoy doing these activities at home with your child. 

As summer approaches, I encourage you to continue to practice all of the learner profile traits in your child’s day-to-day experiences.