IB Programme Learner Profiles
What does it mean to be Reflective?

What does it mean to be Reflective?

Reflective people give thoughtful consideration to their learning and experience. They are able to assess and understand their strengths and limitations in order to support their learning and personal development.

What does it mean to be Caring?

What does it mean to be Caring?

Caring people make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment by caring about other people and being sensitive to their needs.

What does it mean to be Balanced and a Thinker?

What does it mean to be Balanced and a Thinker?

A balanced learner understands the importance of academic, physical, and emotional balance to achieve personal well-being for themselves and others. A thinker is a student who considers a problem from both creative and critical perspectives.

What does it mean to be Principled?

What does it mean to be Principled?

Being Principled means being someone who will “act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and rights of people everywhere.