Basketball, Boys Soccer

Doty at Sussman

  • All basketball games will have 2-20 minute running halves.
    • The last two minutes of regulation will be stopped clock if the score is within 10 points. One 3-minute stopped clock overtime period will take place if the score is tied at the end of regulation.
    • 3 courts will be used to accommodate all of the basketball games: (At each site):
      • In the gym/largest court, 8th grade Boys will play first followed by 8th grade Girls.
      • On the next largest court, 7th grade Girls will play first followed by 7th grade Boys.
      • On the smallest court, 6th grade Boys will play first followed by 6th grade Girls.
  • All soccer games will have 2-25 minute running halves.
    • Overtime will consist of a shootout of 3 chosen players from each team. If tied after that, the game ends as a tie.
    • Other time regulations are found in the DUSD Middle School Sports Guide.

The event is finished.

Hourly Schedule


2:15 pm
8th Grade Boys, 7th Grade Girls, and 6th Grade Boys
3:25 pm
8th Grade Girls, 7th Grade Boys, and 6th Grade Girls

Boys Soccer

2:15 pm
3:25 pm