CTE Pathways: Information & Communication Technologies

Information and Communication Technologies pathways provide a way for students to break into the entertainment industry in behind-the-scenes roles. With hands-on training, students learn the science behind the entertainment they consume, as well as other key technologies needed in a variety of entertainment industries so they’re well-equipped to jump right into work after high school or continue on with their education.

Computer Game Programming Pathway

Working in video games sounds like a dream job (and it is for many people), but it’s important to know the hard work that goes into creating these games, from design and story creation to detailed programming. This pathway instructs students in two coding languages and game development softwares to ensure they have enough experience to know if this is the right career for them — and then ensures they’re ready for all that comes next.

student with gaming chairs
closeup of an animation program
students collaborating in front of a comuputer


YEAR 1: Game Programming I

Course Description
In this course, students work in teams to develop games or simulations, learning key skills needed for game development. Throughout the year, students will study C# programming, storyboarding and game strategy while gaining experience utilizing Unity game development software.

YEAR 2: Game Programming II

Course Description
As a capstone course, students will build upon what they learned the previous year to learn C++ programming, 3D game building and a second game development software, Unreal Engine. The course also covers data structures and math needed for programmers. By the end of the year, students will have created professional portfolios of their work and have the opportunity to take the Unity Certified User: Programming exam.

For More Information


David Quintero, Teacher


Audiovisual Support Services Pathway

Students who enjoy media will love this pathway, where they can explore many aspects of media production. Courses cover media technology including audio, lighting, and more.

Students with a professional microphone
Students putting on headphones in front of the soundboard
Student interviewing someone


YEAR 1: Audiovisual Technology Essentials
Course Description
Step behind the scenes of live shows, film sets, broadcasts and more with a career in Audiovisuals (AV). This pathway introduces students to AV technology, grows their skills in audio and visual science and provides the opportunity to earn two certifications.
YEAR 2: Audiovisual Technology Capstone
Course Description
This introductory course provides students with an overview of the science and technology behind audio, visual and audiovisual systems integration. Students will learn about career opportunities in AV while exploring the basics of audio, lighting, analog and digital signals and more. At the end of the course, students will have a professional portfolio to showcase their work and the opportunity to take the Adobe Certified Professional: Visual Design using Photoshop certification exam and the AV Technologist Certification from AVIXA.

For More Information


Jared Nelson, Teacher


Students who complete the pathway receive in a AVIXA AV Technologist certificate.

Learn More: CTE Pathways at Warren

Each CTE Pathway is industry-focused and usually consists of 2-3 courses. The last course in the pathway is the capstone. When students complete a course they may receive college credit or receive an industry certificate. Click on each industry below to see details about the courses and outcomes.

Audiovisual icon

Audiovisual Tech Support

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Director chair and film

Film & Video

Culinary Icon

Food Science & Culinary Arts

Gaming consul icon

Game Programming

Manufacturing icon

Machining & Forming

makeup artistry

Makeup Artistry

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