To help develop the caring attribute, we encourage families to work on this at home…

  • Role model the caring behavior you would like to see in your child. Your child has big eyes and big ears and notices everything you do. Using kind words, helping people without being asked, and being an active listener show your child that you care about people. Even a simple thing, like holding the door for someone, shows your child that you are aware of others and want to help them.  Ask your child to think about one caring thing they can do each day and ask them to reflect on how it went, the impact of their act, and how it made them feel. 
  • Compliment your child not only on successes but on the effort and improvement. Show your child you care about growth and development- that you are proud of your child as long as they are working hard and doing their best. 
  • Take time to be an active, caring member of the community together with your child.  How can you get involved with something in your community this month to give back and share the “caring” spirit with others?

This can be done as a weekly goal throughout November.