Band Ensembles
Warren High School offers a variety of music programs and groups so students have an array of choices as diverse as their individual interests. The groups meet on a regular basis to practice and each offers a variety of performance opportunities throughout the year.

Wind Ensemble
This group of advanced students within the Instrumental Music Department audition and perform a repertoire of traditional wind band masterworks and dynamic new compositions. The Wind Ensemble performs in local and national level festivals, Winter/Spring concerts, and performances around the Warren High School community.

Concert Band
This group of underclassmen is dedicated to the performance of quality graded repertoire, transcriptions, and new compositions. Set instrumentation provides the basis for the preparation of large ensemble works for the sake of aesthetic enjoyment, musical development, and collaboration with other musical groups within Warren High School and beyond. The Concert Band performs at westivals, Winter/Spring concerts, and performances around the community.

Percussion Ensemble
This elite group prepares and performs the ever expanding repertoire of works arranged solely for percussion instruments. The Percussion Ensemble has earned awards at the local, and state competitions.

Jazz Ensemble
The Jazz Ensemble holds a reputation of high-level performance and mastery in a broad spectrum of big band jazz styles. It is one of the premiere instrumental ensembles at Warren High School, the Reno International Jazz Festival, and the local Jazz Festival. This group is joined by audition only.

Warren Band and Color Guard
Known in Southern California for its rigorous drills and innovative, award-winning musical performances, the Warren Band and Color Guard (BAC) consists of students who perform music for its own sake and build strength through competition as a team. During the fall, the marching band competes in local, regional, and national competitions. The BAC travels all over Southern California to compete in Bands of America, California State Band Championships, Southern California School Band and Orchestra Association (SCSBOA), and Western Bands Association (WBA). The BAC have earn Gold Medalists of SCSBOA twice and Bronze Medalists 3 times.

Color Guard
This fall component of the Marching Band uses choreography and equipment to enhance the visual effects of the show. Color Guard is judged as part of the overall visual appeal and in its own category. From January through April, the Color Guard competes in Winter Guard, an indoor activity.