Local School Wellness Policy
Board Policy 2630 approved on March 7, 2006
Administrative Regulations 2630 updated on June 15, 2021
Triennial Assessment completed on June 22, 2021
It shall be the policy of the Board of Education to give all students the knowledge and skills necessary to make nutritious food choices and enjoyable activity choices for a lifetime.
Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (HHFKA) requires the local school wellness policy, at a minimum to include:
- Goals for nutrition promotion and education, physical activity, and other school based-activities that promote student wellness.
- Nutrition guidelines for all foods and beverages available on school campus during the school day.
- Requirements that Stakeholders be provided opportunities to participate in the development, implementation, periodic review and update of the wellness policy.
- A plan for measuring effectiveness, that is measured periodically and that the assessment is made available to the public.
- Public notification informing and updating the public (parents, students, and others in the community) periodically about the content and implementation of the local school wellness policy.
- All stakeholders, including but not limited to, students, parents, teachers, nutrition service professionals, school health professionals, the Board of Education, school administrators and other interested community members shall have the opportunity to participate in the development, implementation and periodic review of the wellness policy.
If interested in serving on Downey Unified’s Wellness Policy Committee, please contact the Assistant Director at (562) 469-6675.
Implementation Survey Results
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.