At the heart of every successful student lies a foundation of support. The TLC Family Resource Center is dedicated to building that foundation for the children of Downey Unified School District.

True Lasting Connections for a Bright Future

TLC’s mission is to create a True Lasting Connection between the city of Downey and its families. They work tirelessly to ensure every child in the district has the physical, emotional, and intellectual support they need to thrive.

TLC Back-to-School Drive: Investing in Our Future

Fall is around the corner, and with it comes the exciting (and sometimes stressful!) back-to-school season. TLC is hosting a Back-to-School Supply Drive to ensure every student has the essential tools they need to succeed in the classroom.

How You Can Make a Difference

By donating to the TLC Back-to-School Drive, you’re directly impacting the lives of Downey’s students. Your contribution, big or small, can help provide essential supplies like:

  • Pencils
  • Notebooks
  • Crayons
  • Backpacks
  • Calculators
  • Binders
  • And much more!

Regardless of size, every donation brings us closer to our goal of equipping every student for success.

Here’s How You Can Help

  • Donate new school supplies: Call TLC at (562) 904-3577 to coordinate a donation drop-off.
  • Make a financial contribution: A monetary donation allows TLC to purchase the specific supplies most in need. Send a check to: TLC Family Resource Center
    13220 Bellflower Blvd., Downey, CA 90242
  • Spread the word: Tell your friends, family, and neighbors about the TLC Back-to-School Drive! Share this blog post to raise awareness.

Together, we can ensure every Downey Unified School District student starts the school year off right!

Invest in our future by supporting TLC’s Back-to-School Drive today!