School Policies
Student Handbook & Policies
Tuesday is early dismissal day for all students. Students are not allowed to wait after school for a sibling or friend. Students that are left outside unsupervised are not in a safe environment. Please pick up your child promptly or make appropriate childcare and/or transportation arrangements. Also, please keep this early release time in mind when scheduling various appointments for your child. This can be very convenient when scheduling medical and dental appointments, many of which can be calendared on Tuesday afternoons.
For the safety of our students, Rio San Gabriel is a closed campus. Our District-wide procedure is to allow only our students to enter our gates. Parents who wish to conference with teachers may check in through the office. Parent volunteers should sign in through the office and wear a volunteer badge during the time they are helping at RSG. At dismissal time, parents should wait outside the main gate for students.
All volunteers must submit a completed Volunteer Form with proper documentation and be approved before starting to volunteer on campus. Volunteer forms are available in the school office.
Children are not to be on campus or arrive at school before 7:45 a.m. No supervision is provided until that time. Similarly, all students should leave to go home immediately after their dismissal time. Students without parental supervision may not wait in front of school, or around campus after school. There is no supervision provided for students after school. Since the safety of your children is very important to us, please make appropriate childcare and transportation arrangements.
Students in grades TK - 5 can purchase a hot lunch. Breakfast and lunches can be prepaid by sending the money/check to DUSD Food Services for the desired number of meals (breakfast/lunches) to be purchased on a daily, monthly, or annual basis.
Breakfast will be served from 7:30-8:00 in the cafeteria Monday-Friday.
It is very important that your child make every attempt to come to school unless he/she is ill. Students make better academic progress when they attend each day. If your child is absent from school, please call the school at (562) 904-3567 on the morning of the first day of the absence.

Students should only bring to school those items necessary for an education. Therefore, all toys, collections, and dangerous items or substances should be left at home. No animals are permitted without the approval of the school office.
Any student found to be in possession of a weapon, dangerous object, or dangerous substance on campus will be suspended or may be referred for expulsion.
In order to teach students how to solve problems wisely, and to provide the best environment for our students, fighting will not be tolerated. Students that fight at school, or while traveling to or from school, will be suspended. Play fighting at school is not acceptable behavior and oftentimes leads to actual fights. Play fighting is not allowed.
Please mark all of your child’s belongings. Make sure your child’s name is written on sweaters, jackets, and coats. We have “lost and found” containers outside the cafeteria where items left at school are collected. Clothing not claimed will be donated to the Thrift Shop (Assistance League – Operation School Bell) periodically throughout the year and again in June.
Please remember that students are not to bring toys, electronic games, etc. to school with them. We are not responsible for lost items, including those kept in school backpacks, which are kept in the hallways during the day.