Welcome to Rio Hondo

Igniting a Passion for Learning

At Rio Hondo School, we provide a rigorous academic program to maximize the achievement of our students in all content areas.  We believe our fundamental purpose is to ignite a passion for learning by ensuring a rigorous environment with high levels of achievement for ALL students.

What We Offer

Character Counts!
Cognitively Guided Instruction
Tech Squad
Parent Outreach
Parent Outreach
Home Reading Program
Guided Reading
21st Century Learning
GATE Program
GATE Program
Project Lead The Way
Project Lead The Way
books and basketball
Books & Basketball
girl power
Girl Power
DFEO: Before & After School Enrichment
Innovation Lab
Innovation Lab
tiny image of the school overview document

Why Become a Roadrunner?

Learn more about the community, programs, academics, athletics, and students at our school.

How to Enroll Online

We look forward to enrolling your student(s) and providing them a 21st-century education that ensures they are college and career ready, globally competitive and citizens of strong character. So many wonderful experiences await!


If you have additional questions,
please contact the office:
8:00 am –  3:45 pm
(562) 904-3568

Step 1

Parents/Guardians will need a valid email address to begin. If you do not have an email account, please create an email account from your preferred free email service provider.

Step 2

See a list of the required documents you will need to upload online to complete the enrollment process.

Step 3

Complete the Pre-Enrollment screens. During the Pre-Enrollment, you will need to upload required registration documents (Identification Card, birth certificate, utility bill, etc.).

Do you live outside the district boundaries?
Apply for a permit.