Downey Unified Provides Free Daily Meals for All Children

One free daily breakfast and lunch for all children 18 years and younger

Downey Unified Provides Free Daily Meals for All Children

One free daily breakfast and lunch for all children 18 years and younger

Good nutrition and learning go hand in hand.

Downey Unified’s Food Services is a team of food and nutrition professionals dedicated to students’ health, well-being, and their ability to learn. By promoting healthy habits for lifelong nutrition and fitness practices, we support learning.


On average, students who eat a daily breakfast:

Achieve 17.5% HIGHER SCORES on standardized math tests

Attend 1.5 MORE DAYS of school per year

Students who attend class more regularly are 20% MORE LIKELY TO GRADUATE from high school

High school graduates typically earn $10,090 MORE per year and enjoy a 4% higher employment rate

BREAKFAST & LUNCH is FREE daily for all Downey Unified Students

News and Announcements

Serving Up Sustainable, Grass-Fed Beef to Our Students

Serving Up Sustainable, Grass-Fed Beef to Our Students

We're thrilled to announce a new partnership with Cream Co. Meats, introducing high-quality, grass-fed beef to the meals we serve our students. We'll be transitioning to this nutritious, sustainable beef in our beef spaghetti recipe for TK through 12th grade students...

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Easy Ways to Add Heart-Healthy Foods to Your Meals

Easy Ways to Add Heart-Healthy Foods to Your Meals

February is American Heart Month — a perfect time to focus on keeping your heart healthy! Last year, we shared a list of heart-healthy foods. This year, we're building on that by offering practical tips for adding those nutritious options to your meals in easy and...

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Farm to School @ Home

The Farm to School @ Home is a series of activities that teach valuable nutrition lessons for students to work on at home. 

Eat Smart 2 Be Smart

Lessons for K – 12th in Language Arts, Mathematics, Nutrition, and more! Check out downloadable handouts, activities, and workbooks for you and your students.

No Kid Hungry 

These online activities and links are great afterschool enrichment activities for students. 

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