Student Resources
Welcome Price Students
Wonder and read, think and achieve!
At Price, we strive to provide our students with all of the tools they need to be successful. Student Resources houses links to educational websites to further students’ knowledge. These resources can teach students more about specific topics or provide them opportunities to test their current skills.
We strongly advise students to always ask a parent or guardian for permission before using the internet and to always use safe practices.
Want more information on any topic? One of the first things students need is a reliable search engine. We recommend using
Now start researching and expand your knowledge!

WeTip: Confidential Reporting
Students are often afraid to report incidents for a multitude of reasons. WeTip’s Reporting System offers an anonymous way for students and their families to report various happenings like wellness concerns, vandalism, bullying and discrimination without fear.
Math Websites for All Grades
2nd Grade Math Links
Measuring Angles
Language Arts
ELA Articles
Social Studies
California Regions
Great Science Websites
Earthquake Sites
Tsunami Sites
Animal Research
Words of Wisdom
“Consider the rights of others before your own feelings, and the feelings of others before your own rights.“
– John Wooden