What is CJSF?
The purpose of the California Junior Scholarship Federation, a statewide organization of over 600 chapters, is to foster high standards of scholarship, service, and citizenship on the part of students of California’s public, private and charter junior high and middle schools.

How to Apply
Applications are due by January 26th, 2024.
Students are eligible based on grades from Fall 2023 semester. The scholarship club starts in the Fall.
6th Grade
Mrs. Romero, Room 32, jromero@arvenegas
Mr. Berchtold, Room 105, eberchtold@dusd.net
APPLY NOW 6th Grade
7th Grade
Mrs. Legg, Room 202 jlegg@arvenegas
Mrs. Russell, Room 13, krussell@dusd.net
APPLY NOW 7th Grade
8th Grade
Mrs. McDermott, Room 84, kmcdermott@dusd.bet
APPLY NOW 8th Grade
How to download your report card for the application
Step 1:
Log into your student connection: Studentconnection.dusd.net
User name: Student ID number
Password: Same password that you use to log into the DUSD
Step 2:
On the left column, click on “documents”
Step 3:
Click on the 2023-2024 Semester 1 Report Card & save the file; submit it with your application.