Early Education Expo | March 5, 2025

Early Education Expo | March 5, 2025

Your are Invited! Early Education Expo Leap | TK | Kindergarten Wednesday, March 5, 2025 6:00 – 7:00 pm NEW Location: Sussman Middle School in the Gym 12500 Birchdale Ave, Downey, CA Discover how Downey Unified offers our students the best through programs encouraging...
TLC 5K Race February 22

TLC 5K Race February 22

Downey Unified District’s True Lasting Connections (TLC) provides a wide range of health and human services free of charge to DUSD students and their families. This event is a great opportunity to come together to show support for families in our community. By...
Introducing DUSD’s Community Schools Initiative

Introducing DUSD’s Community Schools Initiative

Building Stronger Connections for Student Success Downey Unified School District is excited to announce the launch of an innovative program aimed at transforming the way schools support students and their families. The Community Schools Initiative is a groundbreaking...
DUSD’s 6th Annual Robolympics is January 25

DUSD’s 6th Annual Robolympics is January 25

There are many ways Downey Unified ties STEAM into daily education, but a crowd favorite is our robotics. All Downey Unified students, TK through 12th grade, have access to various age-appropriate, project-based activities. Our students have opportunities to design,...