We are very excited to have a new look on our school websites but we know this can cause confusion as our parents and staff get used to the new pages. Follow us on a quick tour of the new site to learn where all your go-to links are now located.
Tour Stop 1: Main Menu

The new website’s main menu is located right under the homepage’s header image (as shown by the arrow on the above image). This is the menu you will probably use the most. Here you’ll find links to the distance learning website, the Parent and Student Connect, the bell schedule, and lunch menus.
Tour Stop 2: News & Announcements

If you scroll further down the homepage, you will find three blogs that share the latest school news and announcements. This section is updated as new blog posts are added. You can also access all school news and announcements from the Our School or Campus Life dropdowns on the homepage’s top menu.
Tour Stop 3: School News Page

As mentioned on our last stop, you can see all school news and announcements on the School News page. Here you’ll also find the campus Instagram feed and your school TV channel.
Tour Stop 4: The Current Family Menu Bar

At the very, very top of the website, you’ll see a small, thin blue menu bar (highlighted in the image above) that has information specific to our current families. Here you’ll find helpful links for students, parents, and teachers, as well as quick links to the DUSD site, contact information, and PTA details.
Tour Stop 5: Resources

Below the Current Family Menu is another dropdown menu with links to all of the website’s pages. Resources, in particular, may be of use.
Here, parents and students can learn what to expect as a future middle school student, find a staff directory with teacher email addresses, check out the student handbook, and it’s where parents can find a link to order yearbooks!
Tour Stop 6: Enroll

And for our last stop, if you haven’t enrolled yet, start the process right here or by clicking on the Enroll button on the top menu on the homepage.
We hope that helped give you a quick introduction to the new site and where important links and pages are located. It’s been a pleasure touring with you!