Senior Class Representatives
Senior Class President Jessica Guardado
Senior Class Vice President Tania Medina Garay
Senior Class Secretary Brandon Castro
Senior Class Treasurer Paulina Pena
Senior Class Commissioner Jackson Johannesson Sabatino
Important Dates for Seniors
8/30 Jostens – Class Rings Orders, both lunches
9/5 Senior Makeup Portraits:
9/6 Senior Makeup Portraits:
9/7 Senior Makeup Portraits:
9/10 Jostens – Ring Orders
9/12 Dig Pink Girls’ Volleyball Match – DHS 6 p.m.
9/16 Homecoming Dance Ticket Sales Begin
10/1 Local Scholarship Opens
10/4 Jostens – Cap/Gown Orders, both lunches
10/4 LAST DAY to Buy Homecoming Dance Tickets
10/4 Senior Makeup Portraits:
10/5 Senior Makeup Portraits:
10/12 Homecoming Dance @ Downey High 8:00-11:00 p.m.
10/18 Jostens – Cap/Gown Orders, both lunches
10/30 Jostens – Cap/Gown Orders, both lunches
11/1 Senior Makeup Portraits: – (can NOT be in yearbook if pic not done by today)
11/13 Senior Marketplace 4:00-6:30 p.m., DHS Quad
11/14 Jostens – Cap/Gown Orders, both lunches
12/17-19 Final Exams — Minimum Days
1/6 Winter Formal Dance Ticket Sales Begin
1/21 Jostens – Orders/Delivery @ Lunch
1/23 Black Light Assembly – Seniors Only
1/24 LAST DAY to Buy Winter Formal Dance Tickets
1/31 Local Scholarship Closes
2/1 Winter Formal Dance, The Reef, Long Beach 8-11p.m
2/13 Jostens – Orders/Delivery @ Lunch
3/12 Open House: The Flagship Showcase
3/13 Jostens – Orders/Delivery @ Lunch
3/21 Blood Drive
4/2 Viking Awards
4/10 Jostens – Orders/Delivery @ Lunch
4/11 Powder Puff Game
4/22 First Day to Buy Prom Tickets
4/25 Senior Assembly (Graduation Info.) P. 2
5/9 LAST DAY to Buy Prom Tickets
5/17 Prom – Old Ranch Country Club, Seal Beach 7–11 p.m.
5/19 Jostens – Cap & Gown Distribution
5/20 Senior Awards Night
5/21 College Luncheon
5/27 Baccalaureate @ Downey High 6:00 p.m.
5/28 Graduation Rehearsal (DHS stadium),
Class Picture in Cap/Gown
5/28 Senior Sunset 6:00– 9:00 p.m.
5/29 Graduation, LBCC Vets Stadium 6:00 p.m.
Monday, May 26 | Tuesday, May 27 | Wednesday, May 28 | Thursday, May 29 |
Memorial Day Holiday (NO School) | Seniors meet in front of main office (in cap/gowns) 5:00 p.m. Final Walk 5:30 p.m. Baccalaureate @ DHS, 6:00 p.m. | Graduation Rehearsal, Class Picture in Cap/Gown Senior Sunset @ DHS 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. | Graduation @ Vets Stadium, LBCC 6:00 p.m. |
Winter Formal
Feb 1, 2025, 8:00–11:00 p.m.
The Reef on the Water: 880 S Harbor Scenic Dr, Long Beach, 90802
* These prices should stay the same but are not guaranteed due to unforeseen circumstances.
1/6 – 1/10 1/13 – 1/17 1/21 – 1/24
w/ ASB $85 each $90 each $95 each
w/out ASB $95 each $100 each $105 each
May 17, 2025, 7:00 p.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Old Ranch Country Club: 3901 Lampson Ave, Seal Beach, 90740
* These prices should stay the same but are not guaranteed due to unforeseen circumstances.
4/22 – 4/25 4/28 – 5/2 5/5 – 5/9
w/ ASB
$90 each
$95 each $100 each
w/out ASB $100 each $105 each $110 each
* These prices should stay the same but are not guaranteed due to unforeseen circumstances.
Aug. 14 – Sept. 1 Sept..3 – April 31 May 1
w/ ASB $85 each $___ each $___
w/out ASB $90 each $___ each $___
Cap and Gown
Nov. Jan. – May 17 May 20
$42 + packets vary $___+ packets vary $___ Cash only
Grad Nite Tickets
If you take advantage of buying all these at the earliest available date and have an ASB Sticker…you will save money.
College Applications varies
College Entrance and AP Tests varies
Senior Class Rings $70 – $440
Senior Announcements and Souvenirs $40 – $150
Additional Formal Dance Expenses $0 – $500
*Senior Activities $20 – $150
* All Downey High activity expenses are paid through the A.S.B. Bookkeeper’s Offices during snack and lunch at the Bookkeeper’s Window and before and after school in A125. All debts must be cleared to make any purchases.
* These prices should stay the same, but are not guaranteed due to unforeseen circumstances.
* You are welcome to call vendors directly for information:
Jack Nicholson, (714) 751-0260
C & L Custom Jackets, Inc.
Margaret, C & L Jackets Representative (714) 828-6900
Lifetouch/Prestige Portraits